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A unique industry source of AAM market intelligence

The Global Advanced Air Mobility/Urban Air Mobility Market Map is a unique industry resource. Since 2018 our researchers have been tracking UAM and AAM programmes around the world, gathering granular data on industry capabilities, regulatory and standards and plans by cities, countries and the industry to progress AAM projects. The Global AAM/UAM Market Map is a sister publication to www.urbanairmobilitynews.com and www.unmannedairspace.info

Essential AAM market data: Unique guides to programmes and vertiports

Vertiport forecast main image report cover

Introducing a unique guide to the global vertiport industry and its emerging business opportunities

We have identified every location of every planned vertiport programme, either explicit or implicit within the network development plans of eVTOL operators, and assessed both the probability of construction and the likely costs of each programme. Our market forecasts are based on a range of industry, academic and research organisation vertiport development cost-calculations which we outline in detail.
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Routes and programmes main image report cover

Your global country-by-country, city-by-city guide to AAM/UAM programmes and routes

Country-by-country, city-by-city, Worldwide routes and programmes lists the routes, the route-lengths, the key industry players from eVTOL and vertiport manufacturers to local authority partners, the programmes which are clearly defined and funded, to speculative, over-the horizon opportunities. The Report is regularly updated, keeping you fully informed of latest programme developments.
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£600.00 Seven day access
£1,950.00 One year access
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Want to know more? Contact the editor Philip Butterworth-Hayes at
or call directly on +44 1273 724 238
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