Search by country and city/region programme

The Global Opportunies Map contains files on all countries with active UAM/AAM programmes as well as detailed information on every programme.

Search by timeline

Imminent – to be launched within the next three years.

Planned – to be launched within two to five years; funds have been committed and key industry partners identified.

Intended – an outline vision has been agreed.

Guide to – Regulations, standards, CONOPS and roadmaps

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A unique, up-to-date overview of AAM/UAM regulations, standards, concepts-of-operation and roadmaps being developed around the world. Plus relevant commentary on the different approaches taken by national aviation safety organisations.

The Guide can be purchased for £300.00, which includes an annual subscription of all industry and authority updates.

Click here to find out more

Regular global AAM/UAM Market Insight articles

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Take a deeper dive into advanced air mobility and urban air mobility. We produce regular Global Market Insight articles focussed on the latest industry developments. We also cover the latest regulations and CONOPS worldwide.

View the Insight articles here